There are many questions unthinkable many women relate workout in terms of time and carrying heavy loads and weight loss and otherwise, without to have some of them a sufficient answer. In the following lines, we are trying to put some of these questions and answer them.
- What is the most appropriate time to exercise?
There are various opinions about the best time to exercise, some say that after the afternoon, where the muscle strength is greatest and the person is awake, making exposure to harm a remote possibility. And based on the opinion of experts in the science body's daily rhythms operate as an internal clock control in the heat of the body, where he says that exercise at high temperature greater benefits for the body, and these are usually higher at noon. While others recommend a workout in the morning, because the metabolism of the body will burn calories better at the time. The attendance be easier. Another opinion confirms that determine the time, a personal decision, and according to experts, there is no better time to exercise, because it varies from person to person.
- What is the right time to eat before or after exercise?
Best breakfast before exercise, or after at least half an hour, because eating before or immediately after exercise, tired stomach. Whether dealt with food before or after a workout, it will not affect the amount of calories you will burn.
- What is the weight of the right weight for me?
You can easily determine whether weight weightlifting they Tstajih fit or not, if you can lift it 12 times. And if you become unable to perform 20 times without tiring mention, the time has come to increase the weight (if desired), though I was able to perform between 15 to 20 times with difficulty in the last 5 times, it means you're carrying the appropriate weight.
- Is it possible to target a specific area of the body?
There is no exercise can target only one area of the body do, and with this, the trying to lose weight in the stomach area by performing abdominal exercises, often do not succeed in obtaining the belly flat by performing these exercises, and the reason for this is that muscle concerned does not control the fat that surrounds them. These exercises definitely will strengthen the abdominal muscles, but it will not burn fat layer surrounded by without a diet based on calories burned.
Will it turn muscle to fat when you stop performing the exercises?
Muscle and fat tissue different and independent of each other. Valadilh muscle and fat fat, can not convert one to the other. It is known that muscle is more dense than fat, and what happens when you stop the exercise is to become loose and muscle shrinks a bit, because the catalyst that helps to increase the size or preserved, no longer exists, but it does not turn into fat. And also an important rehearsed will not turn fat to muscle, you must first burn fat and build muscle. And the feeling that the body has become loose after you stop strength training, is due to changes in the distribution of fat in it, where it becomes in control of body fat than muscle even if it did not increase its quantity in the body.
Is it necessary to warm-up exercises before the start of the exercises?
Certainly yes Vmmarsthe help avoid fatigue after exercise, and increase your ability to perform better, as prepare the muscles for exercise. Valahme raises body temperature, which helps blood to reach the muscles Vezodha energy needed her, and makes interaction muscle faster, and this reduces the turn of the risk of some injuries, in addition to the exercises warm lifted gradually from heartbeat to prevent stress sudden that may happen in the event of non-exercise . Warm-up exercises should last at least 10 minutes, also should be noted that that was cold you increase the duration a little bit because the muscles are tight more. The practice of stretching exercises before doing the exercise, this is determined by the nature of the exercise itself. For example, that the intention is to play tennis or basketball that require quick sudden movements, do Balatnin: warm-up first and then stretching.