الثلاثاء، 11 ديسمبر 2012

How to prepare croissants with cinnamon and sugar

                                 طريقة تحضير الكرواسان بالقرفة والسكر

To prepare cinnamon croissant, we need the following ingredients:
Cup brown sugar.
Teaspoon ground cinnamon.
Tablespoon cocoa.
Cup flour.
Lurpak butter cups.
Cup chicken crushed spices.
Parmesan cheese is equipped with advance.
Tbsp tomato sauce.
Teaspoon ground cinnamon.
The method of preparation of croissants with cinnamon and sugar:
- Mix ¼ cup butter with brown sugar in a deep bowl.
- Add the cinnamon, cocoa, flour and nuts for the previous mixture with stirring.
- Spread dough croissants Balnchabh in the form of a large rectangle "length = circumference circular template user", then painted rectangle with a spoon of butter.
- Distribute the butter mixture and nuts evenly on the middle of the rectangle, roll the dough around the mixture cylindrical.
- Painted mold with butter and sprinkle with cinnamon and brown sugar, then placed the dough into a cylinder mold and closing parties well.
- Leaves brewing in a warm place for 30 minutes or until double in size.
- Heat oven at a temperature of 180 Celsius.
- Painted croissants Palmtbaka of butter and sprinkle the surface with little cinnamon.
- Baked in the oven for 25 minutes or until bread is complete.
Note: For fat template croissants Put soft butter, and 3 tablespoons of brown sugar with cinnamon.

Do you know the proper way to wash your face?


Although the face wash steps intuitive and well known, but this process rules and conditions are not known to many of the girls, and may cause overlooked injury bull or drought or other skin problems nagging.
During this period, which does not exceed two minutes, fall girls in many errors and final damage skin cells and destroy them, for example, the use of products wrong not fit the type and normal skin or massage the skin violently with soap or use very hot water, and other habits wrong to clean skin.
For this we give you The following are the basic rules to follow in order to properly clean the skin and is completely safe.
The first rule: Discard the make-up first!
There is no benefit from a face wash with soap and water without removing make-up preparations specialized in that, because the remnants of make-up will continue to exist on the skin and clog the pores become unable to breathe and it becomes more serious during sleep, as composed of bacteria and germs arise and show grain. Do better to use makeup remover for the face is to get rid of oily cream base effects and Alkoncelr and cream prevention of sun before putting lather.
Note: skin toner is not his task to remove make-up, as believed by some girls, but modified acidic skin or maintain pH balance of the skin.

The second rule: Choose the right suntan lotion
The choice of lye correct face primarily on the quality of your skin, the holders of normal skin and fatty (which show the warts often), suits lye, which contains acid Alsaleljk or substance alpha Hedroudi or brush clean skin electrical to remove dead cells, either owners sensitive skin or dry or many injury redness, it is better for them to use lye gentle types.
With the exception of oily skin, it is best Do not use lye makes a thick foam, because it works on the abrasion of the skin and completely cleared of their natural oils, causing dry skin, and enough that you used in the beginning, removing makeup Remove part of these oils.
The third rule: not to massage the skin violently
Avoid a final massage the skin, scraping violently when you use the washing or drying towel facial, excess Valtdlak of lead to Ahmraha and cause further dehydration and damage to sensitive skin. If your skin is of the kind that tends to redness quickly or filled blisters, taking into account the use of tissue paper in drying.
Fourth rule: Take enough time in washing the face.
Just like brushing process, since taking wash your face less than a minute, it means that you have not accurately Tgsleyh. Strive to gently massage the skin during washing to stimulate blood circulation and ensure the well-washed.
In the case that your skin is dry or sensitive, it's best to use lye once one night before going to sleep, and only wash the face with only water or Btonr moisturizer in the morning. For oily skin, it must be washed twice a day Balgsol, once in the morning and evening time, and to avoid the appearance of oily throughout the day.
Fifth rule: close your pores after completion
Wash skin with warm water removes fat and dirt perfectly except that it causes in the open pores, which is not good especially for oily skin, which can accommodate pores constantly, hence advise experts skincare wash your skin with cold water after the completion of the wash Balgsol, the cold water helps to catch pores and closed as well as revitalize the look and feel of the skin.

Hairstyles selected for Fall 2013


Fall of the year in which there were fluctuations in the atmosphere, so it requires certain hairstyles least Assadol hair to avoid Thish or تشابكه acting air, but that this does not prevent Assadol hair from time to time according to the occasions you're on.

And remember always that hairstyle hair is the secret to shine it has to be careful always to choose whatever is new to get the full view of a consistent and attractive Style your life, is not required to obtain a beautiful view following hairstyles hair sophisticated and complex. The following are some of the best hairstyles for Takhtari what suits them:


1 - colored Alaharpat:
If you are afraid Thich hair by air, you can use colorful Balaharpat and after hairdressing and submit it in the form of a cake or Hanion simple.
Preferably connecting Alaharp around the head and then dragging a bit behind and link back to one of the sides with Assadol parties Alaharp to one of the shoulders.
Featuring Altsfifah its ability to reduce the shoulder width, one of the ideal solutions for those who suffer from the problem of shoulder width.


2 - overlapping cake:
But if you're a fan of cake hairstyle you can follow this Altsfifah which depends on the hair teams from one of the two sides before styling in the form of a low ponytail. And then divide the ponytail into several parts before the collapse, and Thbytha with hair pins and so to get overlapping attractive cake.


3 - hair combobox teams in front of me:
If you want the hair Assadol, you can parting from the front with a special gel install the top of the head and then Assadol hair back with give simple Tamoajat to his limbs.
If you are afraid from Thich hair you use installer Basbray and so to get hairstyle lasts for long periods of time.
Hairstyles mimic your personality in 2013
Steps: beautiful 3 hairstyles for concerts

Beautiful hairstyles with one-shoulder dresses


Appeals to many of the girls wear one-shoulder dresses in the evenings and weddings, no doubt they promote Onottk and look thin, but even completed shine must choose stylish hairstyle and consistent with this kind of Alvestaten. Know us below on the tastes of artists to choose hairstyles when wearing a one-shoulder dress.

Gwyneth Paltrow


Derived beautiful Gwyneth Paltrow Hairstyle hair wore the same idea, Fjmath and made ​​him descending on one shoulder, so that does not cover the exposed shoulder, and wore big earrings and long in the form of a tree branch studded Balvsos, which will make it in the top femininity and attractiveness.

Natalie Portman


Natalie Portman star and suspense thriller Black Swan chose to raise her background in the form of a cake with short side left guard hanging on the front, adding to face more specificity, and highlighted the beauty of the dress.


In other evening, where Portman wore a dress one-shoulder, gathered her hair in the form of a cake loose side with a short earring and chose red lipstick, which has a wonderful harmony with the black dress.

Jennifer Lopez


Dress with beaded ivory Lasse, starred beautiful Jennifer Lopez wacky raised which has collected her hair back with Assadol front Wisps of hair on the sides of the face chaotic. Lopez has chosen this Altsfifah remains the most striking dress for attention in


In one of the other evening, Lopez wore a black dress and brought down her hair around the face with some tufts of hair left on the shoulder of the forward and return the rest of the hair behind the exposed shoulder.

Selena Gomez


When Selena Gomez appeared on one occasion ever dress one shoulder, took advantage of her hair density perfectly The Btamoaj has _khaslath and entire Assadltha on the exposed shoulder, shoulder dress was designed graded Bttiyat of chiffon (cornice). Has earned this romantic hairstyle Luc extremely thin.


In once again emerged Salemena a one-shoulder dress, hairstyle implemented Carian fake where the Butti tufts of hair down and installed Balbns to seem like a short and then left some wisps hanging randomly around the face.

Ways to strengthen your relationship with your daughter


Strong and healthy relationship between mother and daughter is not something very easy to get it or access to it is something that needs a lot of patience and work. And every mother should know that her daughter in various stages of life will need to support them and encourage them permanent. Certainly you must Taatsrvy with your daughter are responsible Kowaldtha it and integrity, but at the same time must be a strong friendship relationship between you guarantee you that you may be the first to turn his daughter when he spoke have any problem or when feeling sad or any other feelings.
Many have proven research that the mother when the baby breastfeed breastfed, the article Alawkssa Tosin be present in milk, a substance that helps the mother to form a strong relationship with her or her daughter. It is best to start mother breastfeeding her child before leaving for the hospital and return home after giving birth. Make sure that you keep in dependence on breastfeeding your baby for at least six months, and you can go on in breastfeeding until the child reaches his or her one-year because they like that associate time feeding or eating their sense of comfort and security and love.
A lot of families have a different agenda work home and activities practiced by children, and you can try to set aside some time or range of activities to be your own you and your daughter only every week until you get used to your daughter special time between you. Certainly you must learn your daughter how to take care of herself, but at the same time you should feel your daughter she can rely you to take care of them since childhood and be confident that you, you will be always beside her.
You should note that the tradition of your daughter you that they are trying to learn from you through the tradition of your body movements and your steps and all that you are doing, so you have to be the perfect role model for your daughter. For example, know that if you're thinking about the shape of your body in a negative way, it means that your daughter will think in the same way that you think about them. Try to Taatqubly Shaklak and disadvantages of your body until you are able to teach your daughter how to love themselves and how condone the negative messages sent by various media, which might make them think that in order to be accepted it must be for a particular body shape. Careful not Tantkdy to your child never because of their shape.
To be strong your relationship with your daughter should be seeing you her love and interest in various ways such as to be always keen to to Takbreha that you do like what Saaudha always a sense that you are interested and Tkdrenha. You should note also that if you are accustomed to say the word love for your daughter since childhood, this will make the child confident that your love is not lost at all. Strive always to give your child's lap and kiss at all times and regardless of the age of your daughter at all times, whether good or bad.
Strive always to talk with your daughter and keep the lines of communication open between you, even if you do not agree on their actions, but nevertheless should always talk with them and Takbreha what you're feeling. You should feel your daughter you Ttfhminha and do like to feel that they can tell you all what you feel and what you think about it.
My behavior as a mother to your daughter, but also my disposal a friend or rather as a close friend, and remember that your daughter will be able to differentiate good If you Tanstin her well or تستمعين already or not. Daughter to learn and be confident that you are at any time, you will be dedicated to talk with them and listen to them. If happened to you is a good thing in work, Vagy to your daughter about this and if you are sad because of a specific command Fathdty them also to be mutual friendship between you.

Cholesterol-lowering foods pose a real danger to human life

الأغذية الخافضة للكوليسترول تشكل خطر حقيقي على حياة الإنسان

May face people who are looking for lower cholesterol in the blood have through special materials several problems, because the manufacture of these materials based on composite sterols, also called "steroid" has in turn a compound hydroxyl, a compound alcoholic belongs family vehicles steroidal, what constitutes a real danger life.
It is worth mentioning that the compound enters sterols in the manufacture and preparation of food especially for patients with cholesterol such as bread and types of cheese, yogurt, butter, beverages and soy products and varieties of eating and salads.
Dr. Oliver Vaingartner cardiologist at the University Hospital in Sarland German that foods that are written with the words "to reduce Alkolstren" does not protect necessarily human conclusively from clogged arteries and heart attacks, as the manufacturers claim that their product works to reduce cholesterol but not proven whether the fact reduces a patient's risk of heart attack and exposure to the risk of atherosclerosis, and as long as the case is still under discussion and study For the patient the risks and concentrate in the diet on these materials, but the behavior of diet on the advice of his doctor.
But vulnerability with Plant Sterols different compound from one person to another, it complains of difficulties of vegetable fat because of genetic malfunction injured, the composite rate Plant Sterols be top twenty percent more than usual, therefore, a lot of them get atherosclerosis or heart attack.
On the other hand, if there are people suffering from a simple genetic change, but the mechanical metabolism is disabled, however, increase the percentage of sterols in the blood doubled.

Six critical questions for exercise

                                    ستة أسئلة حيوية عن التمارين الرياضية

There are many questions unthinkable many women relate workout in terms of time and carrying heavy loads and weight loss and otherwise, without to have some of them a sufficient answer. In the following lines, we are trying to put some of these questions and answer them.
- What is the most appropriate time to exercise?
There are various opinions about the best time to exercise, some say that after the afternoon, where the muscle strength is greatest and the person is awake, making exposure to harm a remote possibility. And based on the opinion of experts in the science body's daily rhythms operate as an internal clock control in the heat of the body, where he says that exercise at high temperature greater benefits for the body, and these are usually higher at noon. While others recommend a workout in the morning, because the metabolism of the body will burn calories better at the time. The attendance be easier. Another opinion confirms that determine the time, a personal decision, and according to experts, there is no better time to exercise, because it varies from person to person.
- What is the right time to eat before or after exercise?
Best breakfast before exercise, or after at least half an hour, because eating before or immediately after exercise, tired stomach. Whether dealt with food before or after a workout, it will not affect the amount of calories you will burn.
- What is the weight of the right weight for me?
You can easily determine whether weight weightlifting they Tstajih fit or not, if you can lift it 12 times. And if you become unable to perform 20 times without tiring mention, the time has come to increase the weight (if desired), though I was able to perform between 15 to 20 times with difficulty in the last 5 times, it means you're carrying the appropriate weight.
- Is it possible to target a specific area of ​​the body?
There is no exercise can target only one area of ​​the body do, and with this, the trying to lose weight in the stomach area by performing abdominal exercises, often do not succeed in obtaining the belly flat by performing these exercises, and the reason for this is that muscle concerned does not control the fat that surrounds them. These exercises definitely will strengthen the abdominal muscles, but it will not burn fat layer surrounded by without a diet based on calories burned.
Will it turn muscle to fat when you stop performing the exercises?
Muscle and fat tissue different and independent of each other. Valadilh muscle and fat fat, can not convert one to the other. It is known that muscle is more dense than fat, and what happens when you stop the exercise is to become loose and muscle shrinks a bit, because the catalyst that helps to increase the size or preserved, no longer exists, but it does not turn into fat. And also an important rehearsed will not turn fat to muscle, you must first burn fat and build muscle. And the feeling that the body has become loose after you stop strength training, is due to changes in the distribution of fat in it, where it becomes in control of body fat than muscle even if it did not increase its quantity in the body.
Is it necessary to warm-up exercises before the start of the exercises?
Certainly yes Vmmarsthe help avoid fatigue after exercise, and increase your ability to perform better, as prepare the muscles for exercise. Valahme raises body temperature, which helps blood to reach the muscles Vezodha energy needed her, and makes interaction muscle faster, and this reduces the turn of the risk of some injuries, in addition to the exercises warm lifted gradually from heartbeat to prevent stress sudden that may happen in the event of non-exercise . Warm-up exercises should last at least 10 minutes, also should be noted that that was cold you increase the duration a little bit because the muscles are tight more. The practice of stretching exercises before doing the exercise, this is determined by the nature of the exercise itself. For example, that the intention is to play tennis or basketball that require quick sudden movements, do Balatnin: warm-up first and then stretching.

.Work pressures raise the proportion of calories in the body

دراسة: ضغوط العمل ترفع نسبة السعرات الحرارية في الجسم

Showed recent opinion poll conducted by Opinion Institute French Wi Tissot, that 31% of men are interested in riding a bike or play tennis, to get rid of these many pressures of life and mobilized painstaking work. On the other hand, weaken the ability of women to withstand the rigors of life, where poll showed that 58% of working women resort to biting chocolate bars, bags of chips, or gelatin, believing them that these calories to help them face the pressures of work.
Also proved a U.S. study that modern pressures of work and frustration can cause the shrinkage of the brain, and so curb the composition and links new nerve, where he explained researcher Ronald Duman, a professor at the University of American, the brains of a person who suffers depression have a gene mutation plus what is known as Bjata 1, which when it closes stop continue genes. The main reason for this extra genetic transformation is the pressure experienced by a person from long periods of work.
And several studies have indicated that the pressure contributes to the onset of cardiovascular disease, but that European researchers confirmed this link through the analysis conducted on about 200 thousand people in Europe.

Easiest ten ways to lose weight


Lose excess weight of the battles that had lost many, and perhaps suffer frustration and refrain from the further weight loss journey, because they easily lost the incentive that makes them continue to trek to get a curvaceous body.
Failure to renewal in the daily routine pushes the person to gradually lost hope in losing weight and getting strength healthy curvaceous, and so it is not frustrating is Sbelk offer you the simplest Ten Ways effective calorie burning unwanted, and that you can follow in your spare time throughout 
the day.


Ahrgi excess calories while you work

You can while working to burn extra calories, by following several simple ways but effective if your workplace in a low building decks, I do not mind in this case the use of stairs to climb and descend instead of the elevator.
Milk time to rest in a little hiking on foot around the building, to stimulate the body and strengthen the muscles, as well as you can to build muscle stimulation body through some exercise that you can performance in the workplace and in the following manner:
- Stand up straight textures and holding بمسند seat office, with the lifting of the body up on the outskirts of the feet and constancy several seconds and then go down again, repeating this exercise several times.
- The same sitting position on the desktop, unfold your back on the predicate with individual legs a little higher so Tertfan from the Earth's surface, then Anzlehma again, or you can raise your legs to Tdjalehma Ataxan movement like scissors.
Importance of mealtimes in weight loss
Herbs to lose weight
Avoid candy
If your business provides staff to provide some of cake or dessert Bakery, etc., you should avoid eating those foods as much as possible, and only only Ptdhugaha in the case only Aldharroh like a birthday celebration colleagues.
Rely on walking
Try as much as possible to spend Hawwaijk near your home, depending on walking instead of driving, there is no need, for example, can go to a girlfriend nearby, or to buy supplies for home from the supermarket next door to your home, using the car, Walking in these cases works to burn calories than fun hiking outdoors

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